Starting with SQL Server 2017, you can now install SQL Server directly on to a Linux machine. And because macOS is Unix based (and Linux is Unix based), you can run SQL Server for Linux on your Mac. The way to do this is to run SQL Server on Docker. So let’s go ahead and install Docker. Then we’ll download and install SQL Server. We run command sudo apt-get install maven to install the latest Apache Maven. $ sudo apt-get install maven. This will take a few minutes to download. Once downloaded, we can run the mvn -version to verify our installation. Installing Maven on Mac OS X. Sudo apt-get install darktable If you need a newer version than what is included in your distribution, check out the third party packages section. Fedora packages.

1. Overview

Simply put, Maven is a command-line tool for building Java applications.

The Maven Project provides a simple ZIP file containing a precompiled version of Maven for our convenience. There is no installer. It's up to us to set up our prerequisites and environment to run Maven.

The installation of Apache Maven is a simple process of extracting the archive and adding the bin folder with the mvn command to the PATH.

1.1. Prerequisites

Maven is written in Java (and primarily used for building JVM programs). So, the major prerequisite is the Java JDK. We need to install the Java JDK (e.g. from Oracle's download site), and we should install it to a pathname without spaces.

Once Java is installed, we need to ensure that the commands from the Java JDK are in our PATH environment variable. Running, for example:

must display the right version number.

Apache Maven Tutorial

A quick and practical guide to building and managing Java projects using Apache Maven.

Maven Dependency Scopes

A quick and practical guide to dependency scopes in Maven.

How to Create an Executable JAR with Maven

A quick and practical guide to creating executable JARs with Maven

2. Installing Maven on Windows

To install Maven on windows, we head over to the Apache Maven site to download the latest version and select the Maven zip file, for example

Then we unzip it to the folder where we want Maven to live.

2.1. Adding Maven to the Environment Path

We add both M2_HOME and MAVEN_HOME variables to the Windows environment using system properties and point it to our Maven folder.

Then we update the PATH variable by appending the Maven bin folder — %M2_HOME%bin — so that we can run the Maven command everywhere.

To verify it, we run:

in the command prompt. It should display the Maven version, the java version, and the operating system information. That's it. We've set up Maven on our Windows system.

3. Installing Maven on Linux

To install Maven on the Linux operating system, we download the latest version from the Apache Maven site and select the Maven binary tar.gz file, for example apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz.

Now we extract the archive to our desired location.

3.1. Adding Maven to the Environment Path

We open the command terminal and run the following commands to set the environment variables:

Here, M2_Home path corresponds with the location of our extracted Maven files.

Now we append the M2 variable to the system path:

Finally, we can verify if Maven has been added:

The output should be as follows:

We have successfully installed Maven on our Linux system.

3.2. Installing Maven on Ubuntu

In a terminal, we run apt-cache search maven to get all the available Maven packages:

The Maven package always comes with the latest Apache Maven.

We run command sudo apt-get install maven to install the latest Apache Maven.

This will take a few minutes to download. Once downloaded, we can run the mvn -version to verify our installation.

4. Installing Maven on Mac OS X

To install Maven on Mac OS X operating system, we download the latest version from the Apache Maven site and select the Maven binary tar.gz file, for example apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz.

Then we extract the archive to our desired location.

4.1. Adding Maven to the Environment Path

We open the terminal and switch to the directory where the files were extracted to and then log in as Super – User.

Then we remove the tar.gz archive:

Fix the permissions:

Switch the Maven contents:

Archive the Admin session:

Add Maven binaries to the path and append:

Finally, we use Ctrl+x to Save and Exit from “nano”.

To load the new set up, run:

To test the new installation, run:

We are now ready to use Maven on our Mac OS X.

4.2. HighSierra Compatibility

For HighSierra users, we'll need to additionally add Maven binaries to the path and append.

Ctrl+x to save and exit from “nano”.

To load the new setup, run bash.

Install Sudo On Mac

5. Conclusion

Setup Sudo Mac

Install Sudo Mac

This quick article illustrated how to install Maven on the major operating systems for development.

To learn how to get started with Spring with Maven, check out the tutorial here.

Install Sudo On Mac

Get started with Spring 5 and Spring Boot 2, through the Learn Spring course:


There are multiple ways of installing IPython. This page contains simplified installationinstructions that should work for most users. Our official documentationcontains more detailed instructionsfor manual installation targeted at advanced users and developers.

If you are looking for installation documentation for the notebook and/or qtconsole,those are now part of Jupyter.

I already have Python¶

Install Sudo Package

If you already have Python installed and are familiar with installing packages, you can get IPython with pip:

I am getting started with Python¶

For new users who want to install a full Python environment for scientific computing anddata science, we suggest installing the Anaconda or Canopy Python distributions, which provide Python, IPython and all of its dependences as well as a complete set of open source packagesfor scientific computing and data science.

  1. Download and install Continuum’s Anaconda or the free edition of Enthought’s Canopy.
  2. Update IPython to the current version using the Terminal:


Enthought Canopy:


You can manually download IPython from GitHub or PyPI. To install one of these versions, unpack it and runthe following from the top-level source directory using the Terminal: