1. Mac Os Docker Compose Centos
  2. Mac Os Docker-compose Slow
  3. Mac Os Docker Compose Ubuntu
  4. Mac Os Docker Compose Command

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  1. The given value host.docker.internal is a special DNS name for this purpose within Docker for Windows and Docker for Mac. If you are running on another Docker environment, you might want to try the value localhost instead or even set the hostname/IP of the host directly.
  2. OS: Linux/Mac/Windows. DockStation is a free full-featured desktop app which allows you to work with docker and docker-compose. It can help generate a clean and native docker-compose.yml file which can be used even outside the application, using the native Docker Compose CLI commands. It also helps you to manage your containers and services.

DDEV is an open source tool that makes it dead simple to get local PHP development environments up and running within minutes. It's powerful and flexible as a result of its per-project environment configurations, which can be extended, version controlled, and shared. In short, DDEV aims to allow development teams to use Docker in their workflow without the complexities of bespoke configuration.

System Requirements

  • Docker version 18.06 or higher. Linux users make sure you upgrade docker-compose and do the post-install steps

  • docker-compose 1.21.0 and higher (bundled with Docker in Docker Desktop for Mac and Docker Desktop for Windows)

  • OS Support
    • macOS Mojave and higher (macOS 10.14 and higher; it should run anywhere Docker Desktop for Mac runs (Current Docker Desktop has deprecated macOS 10.13 High Sierra, but Docker Desktop versions prior to can still work with DDEV-Local on High Sierra.)
    • Linux: Most Linux distributions which can run Docker-ce are fine. This includes at least Ubuntu 16.04+, Debian Jessie+, Fedora 25+. Make sure to follow the docker-ce post-install steps
    • Windows 10 (all editions) with WSL2 (version 1903.1049, 1909.1049, 2004 or later)
    • (Non-WSL2) Windows 10 Home, Pro, or Enterprise with Docker Desktop for Windows
  • Architecture Support
    • AMD64 is supported on Windows 10 (with either traditional Windows or WSL2), macOS, and Linux.
    • ARM64 machines are currently supported on Linux and WSL2 in Windows ARM64 computers, but will soon be supported on Apple Silicon as well.

Using DDEV alongside other development environments

DDEV by default uses ports 80 and 443 on your system when projects are running. If you are using another local development environment you can either stop the other environment or configure DDEV to use different ports. See troubleshooting for more detailed problem solving.


When upgrading, please run ddev poweroff and check the release notes for actions you might need to take on each project.

Docker Installation

Docker and docker-compose are required before anything will work with DDEV. This is pretty easy on most environments; see the docker_installation page to help sort out the details, especially on Windows and Linux.

Homebrew/Linuxbrew - macOS/Linux

For macOS and Linux users, we recommend installing and upgrading via Homebrew (macOS) or Homebrew on Linux (Linux):

If you would like more frequent 'edge' releases then use brew tap drud/ddev-edge instead.)

As a one-time initialization, run mkcert -install. Linux users may have to take additional actions as discussed below in 'Linux mkcert -install additional instructions'.

Later, to upgrade to a newer version of DDEV-Local, run:

Installation or Upgrade - Windows (WSL2)

This is the recommended installation method for all Windows users that are on Windows 10 1903.1049, 1909.1049, 2004 or higher If you don't have this version yet, or if you don't want to use WSL2, please follow the legacy instructions for Windows below.

Mac Os Docker Compose Centos

All Windows 10 editions (including Windows 10 Home) support WSL2. Docker Toolbox support for DDEV has been removed. If you're already familiar with DDEV on Windows, you might have been using NFS for better filesystem performance. You won't need NFS anymore once you switch to WSL2, since it provides awesome filesystem performance out of the box.

The WSL2 install process involves:

  • Installing Chocolatey package manager (optional).
  • One time initialization of mkcert.
  • Installing WSL2, setting version 2 as the default version, and installing a distro like Ubuntu.
  • Installing or upgrading to the latest Docker Desktop for Windows with WSL2 enabled.
  • Installing DDEV inside your distro.

We'll walk through these in more detail. You may prefer other techniques of installation or may not need some steps, but this is the full recipe:

  1. If you have previously installed Docker Toolbox, please completely uninstall Docker Toolbox.
  2. Chocolatey: We recommend using Chocolatey for Chocolatey installing required Windows apps like mkcert. In an administrative PowerShell, Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
  3. In an administrative PowerShell: choco install -y mkcert
  4. In administrative PowerShell, run mkcert -install and answer the prompt allowing the installation of the Certificate Authority.
  5. In administrative PowerShell, run the command setx CAROOT '$(mkcert -CAROOT)'; If ($Env:WSLENV -notlike '*CAROOT/up:*') { setx WSLENV 'CAROOT/up:$Env:WSLENV' }. This will set WSL2 to use the Certificate Authority installed on the Windows side.
  6. Install WSL2. In an administrative PowerShell Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName $('VirtualMachinePlatform', 'Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux') (Your computer will reboot.) (See detailed documentation.)
  7. Download and install the WSL2 kernel from WSL2 kernel upgrade page.
  8. Set the default WSL version to 2: wsl --set-default-version 2 You may be prompted to upgrade the WSL2 kernel.
  9. Install a WSL2 distro from the Microsoft Store. We recommend Ubuntu. (You do not have to log in to the Microsoft Store, just 'X' out the dialog box requesting that.)
  10. Docker Desktop for Windows: If you already have the latest Docker Desktop, configure it in the General Settings to use the WSL2-based engine. Otherwise install the latest Docker Desktop for Windows and select the WSL2-based engine (not legacy Hyper-V) when installing. Install via Chocolatey with choco install docker-desktop or it can be downloaded from download.docker.com. Start Docker. It may prompt you to log out and log in again, or reboot.
  11. Go to Docker Desktop settings > Resources > WSL integration > enable integration for your distro (now docker commands will be available from within your WSL2 distro).
  12. Double-check in PowerShell: wsl -l -v should show three distros, and your Ubuntu should be the default. All three should be WSL version 2.
  13. Double-check in Ubuntu (or your distro): echo $CAROOT should show something like /mnt/c/Users/<you>/AppData/Local/mkcert
  14. Check that docker is working inside Ubuntu (or your distro): docker ps
  15. Optional: If you prefer to use the Windows ddev instead of working inside WSL2, install it with choco install -y ddev. The Windows ddev works fine with the WSL2-based Docker engine.
  16. Open the WSL2 terminal, for example Ubuntu from the Windows start menu.
  17. Install Linuxbrew: /bin/bash -c '$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)' (See brew.sh.)
  18. Add brew to your path as prompted, for example, echo 'eval $(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)' >> ~/.profile && source ~/.profile
  19. brew install gcc && brew tap drud/ddev && brew install ddev
  20. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y xdg-utils to install the xdg-utils package that allows ddev launch to work.

That's it! You have now installed DDEV on WSL2. If you're using WSL2 for ddev (recommended), remember to run all ddev commands inside the WSL2 distro.

Make sure you put your projects in the Linux filesystem (e.g. /home/), not in the Windows filesystem (/mnt/c), because you'll get vastly superior performance on the Linux filesystem.

Note that nfs-mount-enabled (and running NFS) are not required on WSL2 because it's perhaps faster without NFS.

Installation or Upgrade - Windows (legacy)

  • If you use chocolatey (recommended), then you can just choco install ddev git from an administrative shell. Upgrades are just ddev poweroff && choco upgrade ddev.
  • A windows installer is provided in each ddev release (ddev_windows_installer.<version>.exe). Run that and it will do the full installation for you. Open a new git-bash or PowerShell or cmd window and start using ddev.
  • Most people interact with ddev on Windows using git-bash, part of the Windows git suite. Although ddev does work with cmd and PowerShell, it's more at home in bash. You can install it with chocolatey using choco install -y git.

Installation/Upgrade Script - Linux and macOS (ARM/ARM64 and AMD64 architectures)

Windows WSL2, Linux and macOS users can use this line of code to your terminal to download, verify, and install (or upgrade) ddev using our install script. Note that this works with both amd64 and arm64 architectures, including Surface Pro X with WSL2 and 64-bit Raspberry Pi OS. It will be updated to work with 64-bit arm64 macOS hardware when the hardware and software become available.

The installation script can also take a version argument in order to install a specific version or a prerelease version. For example,

Later, to upgrade DDEV to the latest version, just run ddev poweroff and run the script again.

Manual Installation or Upgrade - Linux and macOS

You can also easily perform the installation or upgrade manually if preferred. DDEV is just a single executable, no special installation is actually required, so for all operating systems, the installation is just copying DDEV into place where it's in the system path.

  • ddev poweroff if upgrading
  • Download and extract the latest ddev release for your architecture.
  • Move ddev to /usr/local/bin: mv ddev /usr/local/bin/ (may require sudo), or another directory in your $PATH as preferred.
  • Run ddev to test your installation. You should see DDEV's command usage output.
  • As a one-time initialization, run mkcert -install, which may require your sudo password. Linux users may have to take additional actions as discussed below in 'Linux mkcert -install additional instructions. If you don't have mkcert installed, you can install it from https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert/releases. Download the version for the correct architecture and sudo mv <downloaded_file> /usr/local/bin/mkcert && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/mkcert.

Installation via package managers - Linux

The preferred Linux package manager is Linuxbrew : brew tap drud/ddev && brew install ddev

We also currently maintain a package on Arch Linux (AUR)

As a one-time initialization, run mkcert -install, which may require your sudo password. See below for additional information.

Linux mkcert -install additional instructions

The mkcert -install step on Linux may provide you with additional instructions.

Mac os docker compose tutorial

On variants of Linux you may be prompted for additional package installation to get certutil installed, but you can follow the instructions given by mkcert:

$ mkcert -installCreated a new local CA at '/home/username/.local/share/mkcert' Installing to the system store is not yet supported on this Linux  but Firefox and/or Chrome/Chromium will still work.You can also manually install the root certificate at '/home/username/.local/share/mkcert/rootCA.pem'.Warning: 'certutil' is not available, so the CA can't be automatically installed in Firefox and/or Chrome/Chromium! ⚠️Install 'certutil' with 'apt install libnss3-tools' or 'yum install nss-tools' and re-run 'mkcert -install' 

Mac Os Docker-compose Slow

(Note the prompt Installing to the system store is not yet supported on this Linux, which can be a simple result of not having /usr/sbin in the path so that /usr/sbin/update-ca-certificates can be found.)

Windows and Firefox mkcert -install additional instructions

The mkcert -install step on Windows does not work for the Firefox browser.You need to add the created root certificate authority to the securityconfiguration by your self:

  • Run mkcert -install (you can use the shortcut from the start menu for that)
  • Run mkcert -CAROOT to see the local folder used for the newly created root certificate authority
  • Open the Firefox settings
  • Enter certificates into the search box on the top
  • Click to Show certificates...
  • Select the tab Certificate authorities
  • Click to Import...
  • Go to the folder where your root certificate authority was stored
  • Select the file rootCA.pem
  • Click to Open

You should now see your CA under mkcert development CA.


For instructions to uninstall DDEV-Local see Uninstallation.

Support and User-Contributed Documentation

We love to hear from our users and help them be successful with DDEV. Support options include:

Mac Os Docker Compose Ubuntu

  • DDEV Stack Overflow for support and frequently asked questions. We respond quite quickly here and the results provide quite a library of user-curated solutions.
  • DDEV issue queue for bugs and feature requests
  • The gitter drud/ddev channel (it's easy to log in many different ways)
  • The #ddev channels in Drupal Slack, TYPO3 Slack for interactive, immediate community support.
  • ddev-contrib repo provides a number of vetted user-contributed recipes for extending and using DDEV. Your contributions are welcome.
  • awesome-ddev repo has loads of external resources, blog posts, recipes, screencasts, and the like. Your contributions are welcome.
  • Twitter with tag #ddev will get to us, but it's not as good for interactive support, but we'll answer anywhere.

Are you still monitoring your containers in tons of console windows or passionate about knowing dozens of terminal commands? There are a couple of nice Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) for Docker, that can make your life much simpler and increase your performance. Let’s select which one will suit you best.

Portainer (Web app)

Open-source (Zlib license).

ОS: Linux, Mac OS X, Windows.

Portainer has full support for the following Docker versions:

  • Docker 1.10 to the latest version
  • Standalone Docker Swarm >= 1.2.3 (NOTE: Use of Standalone Docker Swarm is being discouraged since the introduction of built-in Swarm Mode in Docker. While older versions of Portainer had support for Standalone Docker Swarm, Portainer 1.17.0 and newer do not support it. However, the built-in Swarm Mode of Docker is fully supported.)

Partial support for the following Docker versions (some features may not be available):

  • Docker 1.9

You can test a live demo (admin / tryportainer).

Portainer can be easily installed with Docker on a standalone Linux/Windows server/swarm cluster. A full-featured platform allows you to work with different endpoints.

You can manage registries, networks, volumes, secrets, images, and containers. You are also able to save your configuration (you can find examples of alertmanager and Prometheus at the live demo), and configure a Docker Swarm and stacks. Portainer can check if the container is healthy.

Apart from the basic operations you need to work with containers like run, stop, resume, kill, remove, etc., you can also inspect containers, see logs, visualize basic stats, attach and open the console for certain containers.

As a plus, you also get a role-based access system and the ability to install extensions.

Mac Os Docker Compose Command

Conclusion: a powerful GUI instrument that can be used for a team project with local or remote containers, Docker stack or Docker Swarm. However, Portainer may turn out to be too much for your generic needs. The interface may also be inconvenient especially if you use many projects at the same time.

DockStation (Desktop app)

OS: Linux/Mac/Windows

DockStation is a free full-featured desktop app which allows you to work with docker and docker-compose. It can help generate a clean and native docker-compose.yml file which can be used even outside the application, using the native Docker Compose CLI commands. It also helps you to manage your containers and services (both remote and local), and monitor them (logs monitoring, searching logs, grouping, running tools and getting container info). There are additional tools available for common, multiple and single monitoring of container resources.

With DockStation, you can easily track CPU, Memory, Networks I/O, Blocks I/O usage and open ports. All work can be organized into projects, where you can check the status of each container, build a graphical scheme that visualizes each image in the project and relations between them. As an additional takeaway, DockStation works like charm with Docker Hub.

Docker Desktop (Desktop app)

Since Docker-toolbox (with Kitematic) is deprecated, all users are recommended to use Docker Desktop for Mac and Docker Desktop for Windows.

This tool gives you the ability to set resource limits for your Docker (memory, CPU, swap and disk image size, file sharing, proxies, and network), configure Docker engine, command line and Kubernetes (you can configure deployment to a Kubernetes from Docker Desktop).

Using dashboard, you can use not only basic container operations, but can also see logs, basic stats and inspect your container. All of this can be called through the contextual menu or from the indicator in the status bar.

Lazydocker (Terminal UI)


OS: (Linux/OSX/Windows)


  • Go version >= 1.8
  • Docker >= 1.13 (API >= 1.25)
  • Docker-Compose >= 1.23.2 (optional)

Lazydocker can be used through both mouse and keyboard. For some elements, the contextual menu is available, where you can find all popular commands with shortcuts. The good news is that you not only have basic commands to manipulate containers, basic stats, logs, and inspections; you can use also graphical visualization of main metrics (by default CPU and memory usage) and ‘top’ of processes. Additionally you can also configure this section for almost all the metrics you want.

For the selected images, you can see commands from the Dockerfile that are executed when they run, and the inherited layers. Cleaning of unused containers, images, volumes (prune) is also provided, apart from the liberty of modifying available commands and adding new ones.

As a result, we have a minimalistic terminal interface that can be really helpful with several 'not so complicated' projects.

Docui (Terminal UI)

OS: Mac/Linux


  • Go >= 1.11.4~
  • Docker Engine >= 18.06.1
  • Git

This console UI is made for convenient creation and configuration of new containers/services, where you can find a lot of keybindings for all necessary operations.

You can work with:

  • Images (search/pull/remove, save/import/load, inspect/filter)
  • Containers (create/remove, start/stop, export/commit, inspect/rename/filter, exec cmd)
  • Volumes (create/remove, inspect/filter)
  • Networks (remove, inspect/filter)


The above is not a full list but some of the most popular and convenient free GUIs for Docker. Which one to select - depends on your needs. If you need a really powerful instrument for a team with access management, works with Docker swarm, with Docker stack and can be deployed on a remote server - choose Portainer. If you require a powerful instrument, that works on several projects (possibly remote) with docker-compose and prefer a local desktop app - choose DockStation.

If your project is not that complex - you can choose among Lazydocker (if you want to mostly manage existing containers and services with console), Docui (if you mostly create simple images) or Docker Desktop (if you appreciate the desktop integrations and want to get a simple integration with Kubernetes).