IBM X-Force Exchange is a threat intelligence sharing platform enabling research on security threats, aggregation of intelligence, and collaboration with peers. Python 2.7.16 is a bugfix release in the Python 2.7 series. Note Attention macOS users: As of 2.7.16, all current macOS installers ship with builtin copies of OpenSSL and Tcl/Tk 8.6.

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wxWidgets is a C++ library that lets developers create applications for Windows, macOS, Linux and other platforms with a single code base. It has popular language bindings for Python, Perl, Ruby and many other languages, and unlike other cross-platform toolkits, wxWidgets gives applications a truly native look and feel because it uses the platform's native API rather than emulating the GUI. It's also extensive, free, open-source and mature.

Learn more » or Download now »

wxWidgets 3.1.4 Released

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wxWidgets 3.1.4 release is nowavailable on GitHub.You will find there archives with the library sources and documentation aswell as binaries for the selected Windows compilers such as Microsoft VisualC++ and MinGW-w64.

Please notice that while 3.1.4 is officially a “development” version becauseit is not fully compatible with the “stable” 3.0.x, the list of backwardsincompatible changes is very short, so you shouldn’t have any problemsupdating to this version from 3.0.x in practice, and you’re encouraged to usethis release, including in production.

Changes in this release

In the nine months since the previous release, there have been almost 1700commits from 74 unique contributors (37 with multiple contributions), so it isimpossible to summarize all the changes in this document without making it toolong, please see the fuller changelog for more (but still not all)details, but some of the most important changes are:

  • wxOSX port now supports the latest macOS 11 on ARM hardware.
  • wxMSW comes with a new Edge-based wxWebView implementation.
  • Better, although still not perfect, per-monitor DPI support in wxMSW.
  • wxGrid was has been significantly improved and is now much user friendlier.
  • AUI appearance enhancements for non-default GTK themes and macOS dark mode.
  • wxWidgets may now be built with C++20 compiler.
  • Improvements to CMake build system.
  • Allow optionally forbidding dangerous implicit wxString conversions.

And, of course, there were many, many bug fixes in all ports, notably includingfixing several long-standing problems in wxOSX.

Notice that in spite of all the changes, this release remains almost completelycompatible with 3.1.3 at the API level, so upgrading to it if you’re alreadyusing wxWidgets 3 should be straightforward.


Please let us know about your experience with this release via any of thefollowing channels:

Or by commenting under this post.

Thanks to everybody who has contributed to this release and we hope that youwill enjoy working with it!

wxWidgets 3.0.5 Released

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wxWidgets 3.0.5, the latest release in the stable 3.0 series, is nowavailable. Upgrading to it is strongly recommended for all users of theprevious 3.0.x release as it brings a lot of bug fixes and support for newercompilers (MinGW 4.9, 5 and 7), SDKs (macOS 10.10 and later) and libraries(GStreamer 1.0) but remains 100% compatible with 3.0.0, both at the API andthe ABI level, and so upgrading to it doesn’t require absolutely any changesto the existing applications.

The announcement post contains the fuller list of the most importantchanges in this release and they are described in even more details in thechange log.

As usual, in addition to the sources, you can also download binaries for theselected Windows compilers (any version of Microsoft Visual C++ from 2008 to2019, MinGW-TDM 4.9.2, 5.1.0 and 9.2.0, or MinGW 7.2.0, 7.3.0 and8.1.0). And you can read the documentation for this release online.

Thanks to everybody who contributed, by reporting bugs and submitting patches,to this wxWidgets release. We hope you will find it even better than theprevious one and will enjoy using it!

wxWidgets 3.1.3 Released

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wxWidgets 3.1.3 release is nowavailable on GitHub.You will find there archives with the library sources and documentation aswell as binaries for the selected Windows compilers such as Microsoft VisualC++ and MinGW-w64.

Please notice that while 3.1.3 is officially a “development” version becauseit is not fully compatible with the “stable” 3.0.x, the list of backwardsincompatible changes is very short, so you shouldn’t have any problemsupdating to this version from 3.0.x in practice, and you’re encouraged to usethis release, including in production.

Changes in this release

There have been almost 2000 commits from 97 unique contributors (52 withmultiple contributions) since 3.1.2 releases, so it is impossible to summarizeall the changes in this document without making it too long, please see thefull changelogfor more details, but some of the most important changes are:

  • Support for per-monitor DPI and dynamic DPI changes under MSW.
  • More generally, many fixes for various controls appearance in high DPI.
  • Long requested support for freezing rows and/or columns in wxGrid.
  • New XRC handlers for wxDataViewCtrl, wxInfoBar.
  • It is now possible to use gradients when creating wxGraphicsPen.
  • Extended compiler (MSVS 2019) and platforms (macOS 10.14+) support.
  • Significant improvements to the (still experimental) wxQt port.
  • Important bug fixes for focus handling in wxOSX port.


Please let us know about your experience with this release via any of thefollowing channels:

Or by commenting under this post.

Thanks to everybody who has contributed to this release and we hope that youwill enjoy working with it!

New wxWidgets videos

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Two new wxWidgets video tutorials have been recently published byJavidx9 on YouTube: here is the firstpart, introducing programmingwith wxWidgets in C++ and the here is the secondone, showing how to develop asimple application.

If you have always wanted to learn programming wxWidgets but were intimidatedby the size of its manual, youmay appreciate this alternative way of getting acquainted with it.


Thanks to Javidx9 for producing the videos!

wxWidgets 3.1.2 Released


Posted on

wxWidgets 3.1.2 release is nowavailable on GitHub.You will find there archives with the library sources and documentation aswell as binaries for the selected Windows compilers such as Microsoft VisualC++, MinGW-TDM andMinGW-w64.

Please notice that while 3.1.2 is officially a “development” version becauseit is not fully compatible with the “stable” 3.0.x, the list of backwardsincompatible changes is very short, so you shouldn’t have any problemsupdating to this version from 3.0.x in practice, and you’re encouraged to usethis release, including in production.

Changes in this release

There have been more than 1200 commits from 75 contributors (41 with multiplecontributions) since 3.1.1, which makes it difficult to summarize them in thisshort post. The primary focus of this release is on bug fixes (closing morethan 100 bugs from wxTrac) and incremental improvements in preparation for thenext stable 3.2.0 release, however there is a usual lot of new features aswell, including:

  • Initial support for macOS 10.14 and its dark mode.
  • Support for non-integer font sizes and arbitrary font weights.
  • New wxLZMA{Input,Output}Stream classes.
  • Add wxDataViewToggleRenderer::ShowAsRadio(), wxDisplay::GetPPI(),wxGrid::SetCornerLabelValue(), wxHtmlEasyPrinting::SetPromptMode(),wxJoystickEvent::GetButtonOrdinal(), wxToolbook::EnablePage().

Some of the other improvements:

  • There were again many improvements to the (still experimental) wxQt port.
  • Fix several bugs related to focus handling and TAB navigation in wxGTK.
  • Make it possible to control pagination in wxHTML more precisely.
  • Fix several problems with high-DPI displays.
  • wxOSX now uses native NSImage/UIImage representation for wxBitmap.
  • Support strike-through font attribute in XRC and wxDataViewCtrl markup too.
  • Support more than 4 buttons in wxJoystick.
  • Add wxwidgets.props property sheet file for MSVS users.

Please see the full changelogfor even more details.


Please let us know about your experience with this release via any of thefollowing channels:

Or by commenting under this post.

Thanks to everybody who has contributed to this release and we hope that youwill enjoy working with it!

Release Date: March 4, 2019

Python 2.7.16 is a bugfix release in the Python 2.7 series.


Python 2.7 Download Mac Os

Attention macOS users: As of 2.7.16, all current macOS installers ship with builtin copies of OpenSSL and Tcl/Tk 8.6. See the installer README for more information.

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VersionOperating SystemDescriptionMD5 SumFile SizeGPG
Gzipped source tarballSource releasef1a2ace631068444831d01485466ece017431748SIG
XZ compressed source tarballSource release30157d85a2c0479c09ea2cbe61f2aaf512752104SIG
macOS 64-bit/32-bit installerMac OS Xfor Mac OS X 10.6 and later70b0f58eba7b78b174056369b076c08530252432SIG
macOS 64-bit installerMac OS Xfor OS X 10.9 and latera3af70c13c654276d66c3c1cb1772dc723743901SIG
Windows debug information filesWindowsf94690edbbf58b10bfd718badc08b1f825088166SIG
Windows debug information files for 64-bit binariesWindows4292c4db30c27fedbbee8544967b645225899174SIG
Windows help fileWindows3bbf29b6712b231d2dff9211fc7b21e26263118SIG
Windows x86-64 MSI installerWindowsfor AMD64/EM64T/x642fe86194bb4027be75b29852027f1a7920361216SIG
Windows x86 MSI installerWindows912428345b7e0428544ec4edcdf7028619419136SIG