Arena has everything Avenue has, plus advanced options for projection mapping and blending projectors. Control it from a lighting desk and sync to the DJ via SMPTE timecode.
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Avenue is an instrument for VJs, AV performers and video artists. Avenue puts all your media and effects right at your fingertips, so you can quickly play and improvise your live visuals.
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MELPA (Milkypostman’s Emacs Lisp Package Archive). Up-to-date packages built on our servers from upstream source; Installable in any Emacs with 'package.el' - no local version-control tools needed. Creators of Mac, iPad, and iPhone productivity software. Proud to bring you OmniFocus, OmniOutliner, OmniGraffle, and OmniPlan.
A cute cyborg travelling through space.
A peak into the past future hanging gardens.